Twothirtyvolts Revision App
This app offers electricity revision notes and quizzes for secondary level Key Stage 3 and GCSE Science students.

Topics include:
Electric charge - Electrical circuits - Electric current - Electrical safety - Electrical symbols - Sources of electricity - Electromagnetic Induction - Generators - Ohm's Law - Transformers - Transmission of electricity
As you complete each stage, you’ll earn fun reward badges. You can also learn about electrical safety and careers in the electrical industry by watching a series of short videos.
To download the App from your iPhone
To download the app from your iPhone, click on the App store button and search ‘TwoThirtyVolts’. Select the ‘free’ button, then ‘install’. The app should appear on your home screen. Wait until the download is finished and ‘Twothirtyvolts Revision App’ app is ready to use.
To download the App from your Android Phone
To download the app from your Android phone, go to the Android market and search for ‘Twothirtyvolts Revision App’. Select the ‘free’ button then ‘OK’. Wait until the download is finished and ‘Twothirtyvolts Revision App’ is ready to use.
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